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Amherst and Pelham have been fighting to preserve acres of forest from deforestation for corporate solar development since 2019. Two industrial solar projects (Shutesbury Rd and Hickory Ridge) are currently underway.

The Story


Hickory Ridge Project

Shutesbury Rd Project

December 20, 2019

September 19, 2019

A solar developer receives a special permit for a 27-acre solar project (Hickory Ridge) on Whitney St in Amherst. Amp Solar Development Inc. takes on the construction after the initial developer drops out.

First notice of intent for solar development on Shutesbury Rd (ANRAD) submitted by Amp Energy.


Shutesbury Road ANRAD approved.

The application is heard by Conservation Commission 

Initial site work at Hickory Ridge begins 

Hickory Ridge project delayed.

the Commission determines that the application is incomplete and provides AMP with 30 days to submit the outstanding items needed. AMP withdraws the application on November 24.

the town of Amherst posts a “courtesy notice,” announcing that Hickory Ridge managed by Amp "is set to begin construction in the coming weeks.” The notice identifies Dynamic Energy, the company responsible for $1.4 million in pollution and erosion damage in Williamsburg, as the site contractor. 

Hickory Ridge project delayed again

Solar Moratorium bylaw proposed to Town Council.


Amherst CRC hearing on Solar Moratorium Amherst CRC unanimously recommends solar moratorium to the town council.

Solar moratorium bylaw not approved by Council.

Four Subdivisions proposed for multiple Cowls properties located in North Amherst. The subdivision plans are made in response to a temporary moratorium on large scale ground mounted solar installation in the town of Amherst. 


 November 18, 2021


January 25, 2022

February 3, 2023

All proposals are withdrawn from consideration.

Feb. 3, 2022

March 2, 2022

The Town of Amherst releases the results of a professional survey commissioned to learn community sentiment about local solar siting locations. The respondents express a substantial preference for solar development first on roof tops, canopies over parking lots, and brownfields. Natural and working lands, particularly forest, were the last choice.

May 18, 2023

Puresky, a multinational carbon credit company profiting off of greenwashing, purchases AMP Energy.

 The Commonwealth releases a comprehensive solar siting study that makes clear there is ample possibility to fulfill the state’s goals for solar energy without the need to employ natural and working lands, including farms and forests.

July 6, 2023



Town officials work with PureSky on the design and permitting for the solar array at the former Hickory Ridge Golf Course focusing on stormwater management, access to the site during flooding events, and the type and safety of the proposed batteries for the arrays. 

41 Acre Shutesbury Road Forest Clear Cut Solar Proposal Returns 


December 2023

July 5, 2023


The Hickory Ridge project is currently set to continue. The Shutesbury Road project awaits permitting.

The town of Amherst DOES NOT presently have a bylaw regulating large scale industrial solar development, but many towns in Massachusetts do. 



Shutesbury Rd Project

Cowls + AMP/ Puresky industrial solar project on Shutesbury Rd is planned for 40 acres of forested land that provide ecosystem services and carbon sequestration.


Proposed AMP solar site is located in core and critical habitat


Proposed AMP solar site topography - steep slope towards Adams Brook


The Proposed AMP solar site is located in a location zoned as an outlying residence.

Hickory Ridge Project

The Hickory Ridge project not only uses essential ecological lands, but is inaccessible during floods.



Like solar development proposals across the Massachussetts, Cowls + Puresky are greenwashing their proposal for a highly profitable development project that would result in massive deforestation and environmental devastation with harmful impacts on the Amherst-Pelham community. 


Here's what we can learn from this case to protect forests and communities across the state:

Cross TOwn Connections

The COWLs/ Puresky projects in Amherst and Pelham are tied to the project taking place in Shutesbury. Smart Solar Amherst and Smart Solar Shutesbury have been able to share information and support one another. Towns should prepare to unite against common industrial solar threats.

The context of our towns means that our issues won't always appear the same. However, we can support one another across towns by learning from another and sharing resources for facing similar issues.



Amherst and Pelham currently do not have bylaws to protect the town from industrial solar development and deforestation.


Towns should prepare to organize to create and support stronger environmental protection bylaws and to ensure that towns remain empowered to enforce them.

More Information


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